
Directing Our Daughter's Hearts

Carolyn Mahaney gives some excellent advice to moms (and Dads) in regards to shepherding our daughter's hearts in the area of homemaking. Homemaking is not the only attribute and characteristic that we want to train up our daughters in, but we do want them to know that it is the most important calling they have from God and they must not let the world tell them otherwise. Go read the whole post, but enjoy the excerpts below.

How can we as mothers compete for the minds and hearts of our daughters with a world that shows (as one author put it) “a disdain of domesticity and a contempt for housewives”?

The answer: We must pay close attention to what captures our daughter’s heart. For, as it says in Proverbs 4:23, “from [the heart] flow the springs of life.”

We must ask “What is my daughter most excited about? What captures her imagination? What are her desires and dreams for her future? Is she more eager to be with friends than to be with family? Would she rather pursue activities outside of the home rather than endeavors in the home? Who does she admire more—faithful homemakers or worldly women?”

As moms it is our job to carefully monitor our daughters’ hearts. If we sense their enthusiasm for family and home waning, we must skillfully reorient their affections back toward family and home.

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