
Fathers: Key to Vacation Success

C.J. Mahaney has begun a timely and very wise string of posts concerning the importance of fathers in the success of family vacations.

Here’s what I’ve learned. The difference between forgettable vacations and unforgettable vacations is not the location or attractions. Nope. The difference between forgettable and unforgettable vacations is the father’s attitude and leadership. This makes all the difference.

With the arrival of Memorial Day, the vacation season has begun and will continue on through Labor Day. Fathers, let us heed this advice and make our vacations a success this summer. C.J. will be mentioning seven important truths.

1. A Servant's Heart
2. A Tone-Setting Attitude
3. An Awarness of Indwelling Sin
4. Studying Your Family
5. Skillful Surprises
6. Intentionally Together
7. Gratefulness to God

Below are the first two with an excerpt from the commentary on each by C.J. I encourage you to go and read the entire post here as well as the rest of the series.

A Servant's Heart

Actually, God-glorifying, grace-filled, relationship-building, memory-making vacations are not supposed to be a vacation for the father. Instead of simply resting and relaxing the father has the privilege of serving, leading, planning, initiating and working.

And you will know you are serving and leading effectively on your vacation when you fall into bed at night more exhausted than at the end of the most grueling day of work. The father must enter family vacations committed to serve, lead, plan, initiate, and work, and do all this with joy. This isn’t your time to rest. Only your wife deserves to rest on vacation (because no one works harder than she does the rest of the year).

A Tone-Setting Attitude

Children may be temporarily distracted by the venue, but ultimately the memory of that vacation will be associated with the father’s joy, gratefulness, generosity, and service, or with his irritation, frustration, and anger.

And there is no vacation from the gospel...Vacations provide unhurried periods of time where in the shadow of the cross a husband/father realizes afresh that he is doing much better than he deserves. Instead of wrath and hell God has been merciful and kind, pouring out his wrath on his Son so that sinners like you and me could experience forgiveness, justification, redemption, reconciliation, and adoption.

1 comment:

c.w. goad said...

Interesting point regarding fathers and vacations. I agree that we have the ability to make or break a vacation no matter what the venue.
